2015 July | Minimalist Challenge Game | Day 1

With all of the clearing out I’ve been doing over the last few years (more posts to come soon about that), I’ve always wanted to participate in The Minimalists’ monthly Minimalist Game, so back in April I did! My blog was undergoing some maintenance and I wasn’t to the point of getting back into writing yet, so I thought since this is the beginning of a new month, NOW would be a great time to share how I did – day by day – on the minimalist game I did back in April 2015. It is going to take me another day to get the photos on Instagram, but I am excited to share my adventure here…

A mini 6-cube organizer that I didn’t need anymore. Most of the items were donated after a week of accumulation and this was one of those. I took all of my photos in the same place in the hallway, so be prepared to see A LOT of that door. :)

Status: Donated
Today: 1
Total: 1 of 1

What’s the Minimalist Game, you ask? Each day, remove the equivalent number of items from your home/life that equal the day of the challenge. For example, one item on day one… 15 items on day 15… or 28 items on day 28. Keep going for 30 days and see how long you can go finding things and removing them from your life by any means you see fit without missing a day or going below the day# (donating is always a great option in my opinion, but sell, recycle, trash, or any form of giving works too). The first time I heard of this game it was from The Minimalists. Just search for #MinsGame on Instagram and you will see SO many people participating. It is awesome!

There are lots of variations of this game including only removing one item a day for 30 days since as you have less things, it gets more difficult. After removing material items from your life for a few rounds, this game could be morphed into working for digital too, but personally, I might multiply by 10 or some other number to make it a little more challenging… 10 useless files on day 1… 200 emails on day 20… you get the idea. The same method can be used for projects too, but depending on the complexity of the projects, the one a day model might work better. Also, while The Minimalists strictly say all items have to be out of your life each day, that is impractical for me, so I focused on items I could donate and put them in the trunk of my car to donate on a certain day each week for a month and then well, trash and recycling went in their proper receptacles on the proper day.

Good Luck and Happy reducing!