2015 July | Minimalist Challenge Game | Day 17

I love IKEA but don’t live too close to one, so I tended to forget my bags quite often until I stashed a few in the trunk. For curiosity, I collected all of them and had way too many, so while I still have some in the trunk, many are being donated. Some additions to having things for donation and to sell for day 17 are projects completed. I had blue wooden bins that didn’t go with our decor anymore so I painted them along with a media cabinet that was a brown-orange color that didn’t go with any of our other furniture. All of these things are white now and so lovely. I’ll be posting about them after this Minimalist game.

Items Pictured: DVDs, bags
Items Not Pictured: paint bins and media cabinet
Status: Donated/Sell/Project Complete
Today: 17
Total: 218 of 153