Hiding the DVDs

It is nice when a new piece of furniture really changes the look of a place. Not a couch or an entertainment center since a pretty big change is expected. This change came in the form of a Multimedia Cabinet that can hold DVDs, CDs and the like.

I haven’t really ever liked the look of exposed DVDs, but media cabinets are always so expensive unless of course you want to buy a cheap one which I really didn’t want to do. So, after saving up some money, we were able to buy the Leslie Dame Solid Oak 612CD Multimedia Cabinet in Honey Oak (CD-612-D). It is a dark wood color a little lighter than my preference but still has a really nice color to it. The cabinet’s base, door, sides, and top are very sturdy. I expected a solid piece of wood on the back, but the very thick board that is on the back gives it good stability. The description of where I bought it says it will hold 290DVDs, 612CDs, 170VHSs, or varied for the combination of your choosing. I haven’t actually counted all of our DVDs – all I know is that it fit all of ours and there is some room to spare – so that is always good. Below are some pictures of our previous DVD “cabinet” and our new cabinet inside and out.

One of the best parts was that it was already put together. I don’t mind putting things together, actually, I usually enjoy it, but when you buy something that is of good quality and it isn’t inexpensive, I believe it should come put together if it is of reasonable size to do so. When the cabinet arrived, all I had to do was cut at the bottom of the box, lift the box off of the top, and then take all of the packaging materials off of it. I have to comment on the packaging – it was extensive and well thought out. There were plastic corner protectors on the cabinet and around the Styrofoam so that there were 2 levels of protection for the cabinet’s corners – it was awesome. I really wish I would have taken a picture of the packaging. The shelving for the inside of the cabinet (which I have to add that you can place in many orientations with the numerous holes for the pegs), was packaged between the bars of protective Styrofoam so there were no wasted spaces. Please note that if you are going to use the cabinet for DVDs, you will have extra shelving, so find a nice place to put your extra shelving so if you ever decide to convert the cabinet to CDs, you will have the extra shelves to do so.

Hopefully, in addition to making our home more organized and less cluttered, this cabinet will give some piece of mind to my friends when the think about visiting to know that their kids will have fewer things to get into and it will be a little bit more of a safer environment. There is still work to be done… but progress is made with every step.