New Ikea Couch

During my most recent trip to the Baltimore Area, I was able to go visit my favorite store in the world – Ikea! My purpose on this visit was to purchase a couch I had wanted for about 2 years now. While the color that I wanted had changed (due to the original color no longer available), my fondness for the Tylosand couch did not waver. Here is a picture of the couch in our living room.

The couch is a sectional and can be divided in the middle into 2 separate mini couches. It may look a little small in the picture, but it is 94″ long (7′ 10″). The color is a deep violet-red. As you can see with Veda on the back of the couch, our cats are fond of it too. Also, in the picture, you can see our little, inexpensive, storage ottomans that I found at Bed Bath & Beyond and maroon curtains from Hancock Fabrics.

One of the best things about Ikea furniture is on the wood does not come from intact natural forests, they apply the German E1 standard to wooden products, they apply the Finnish regulations to their textiles, and they do not permit the use of paints and varnishes containing formaldehyde additives. The German E1 standard for wooden products and Finnish regulations for textiles are currently the strictest within their field worldwide. This along with so many other reasons is why Ikea is my favorite store.