A Review: Clutterfree with Kids by Joshua Becker

Between his blog, BecomingMinimalist, and his books, Joshua Becker is a wealth of knowledge about minimalism, simplifying, and decluttering through his own experiences and the shared experiences of others.

Clutterfree with Kids goes far beyond what the title suggests. It delves into clutterfree in all aspects of your life, gives practical advice about reducing kid clutter and just about any other type of clutter you can think of, and really gets you thinking through the questions posed.

If you feel like your stuff is getting the best of you -or- if you’ve been organizing and no matter how much you organize, you never get ahead, this book is for you. I’ve been there – through the organizing and reorganizing just to finally realize things had to go away and my space needed to be decluttered. When my spaces became decluttered, I found I enjoyed intentionally living with less – and a minimalist was born. Joshua Becker is one of the people to thank for that realization. Open spaces are not to be feared. Less stuff is freeing.

Joshua Becker’s new book will help you declutter all of the spaces in your home through relatable stories, simple steps, and thought provoking questions.

Personally, I am not a parent, however, as someone who wants a child one day, I am trying to learn all I can about keeping things simple before that day comes. One of my favorite sentences of the book and indicative of Joshua Becker’s inspiration: “We ought to strive to be the best possible versions of ourselves—not only for our own selves, but for the benefit and contribution we can offer to others.”

This book could be the first step or next step for anyone looking to free their home & mind of clutter.

To Note | Please see my other reviews at: Twitter, Pinterest, and Amazon. I reviewed on Facebook too, however, my profile is private, so only friends and family are privy to that review. Thank you for understanding.

I received an advance copy of Joshua Becker’s new book to review, however, receiving the book in no way influenced my review. These words are all mine (minus the quote above) and I have been a fan of Joshua Becker’s works for quite some time. I am honored I received the privilege to review Clutterfree with Kids and to be part of the launch that made his book the #1 Parenting and #1 Self-Help book on Amazon.