Many Updates

A few months back, I did a bunch of updates around the house, but the updates never made it to this blog. I am finally writing the posts, and I want to let everyone know which posts are new.

I thought there were only 8 posts to catch up on, but with further inspection of my pictures, I found that there were 8 in September 2009 alone and not even counting what I missed in other months. Once I finished up all of the posts, updating from January 2008 – December 2009, there ended up being 15 posts from the last 2 years. I thought there were going to be a lot more updates than I expected, but I had actually kept up with my posts somewhat and/or didn’t do much certain months in the way of interior design or organizing.

Here is a list of the new posts that didn’t make it to Google Reader:

And a list of the ones that did make it to Google Reader: